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Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

WoW !!!. . .Pecahan Meteor Rusia Dihargai 150jt + Foto Jatuhnya Meteor Di Rusia. . .

Peristiwa langka jatuhnya meteor di Rusia tiga hari lalu menyebabkan sejumlah orang berburu pecahan meteor itu dan menawarnya hingga ratusan juta rupiah.

Surat kabar the Daily Mail melaporkan, Senin (18/2), pecahan meteor itu mulai dijual di sebuah situs Internet bernama Avito.ru, sebuah laman yang biasa memuat iklan baris.

Pecahan meteor itu mulai dipunguti di Kota Chelyabinsk, tempat seribu lebih orang terluka akibat hantaman meteor yang merusak sejumlah bangunan.

Beberapa pembeli di situs itu bahkan berani menawar sekitar Rp 150 juta untuk sekeping pecahan batu luar angkasa itu. Tapi ada itu juga ada yang menawarkan beberapa pecahan meteor dengan harga Rp 160 ribu.

Flash of light: The debris narrowly missed a direct and devastating hit on Chelyabinks, which has a population of 1.13million, but nevertheless spread panic through its streets as the sky above lit up with a blinding flash 
Shockwave: People heading to work in Chelyabinsk heard what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt a shockwave  

Locals searching for meteorite fragments have gathered at a frozen lake where a chunk of meteorite hit. One user asked for around £6,500 for a small piece, while another offered 18 pieces for £11 each

"Situs ini dipenuhi orang-orang yang ingin membeli pecahan meteor itu," kata seorang warga kota bernama Oleg Karpov.

Sejumlah kolektor dari seluruh dunia tampaknya berminat membeli pecahan meteor itu. Sutradara terkenal asal Amerika Serikat Steven Spielberg Oktober tahun lalu bahkan pernah membeli meteorit sebesar 22 sentimeter yang jatuh di Siberia seharga Rp 420 juta.

Sehari setelah jatuhnya meteor di Kota Chelyabinsk, pemerintah Rusia segera mengerahkan 20 ribu petugas penyelamat untuk menangani dampak jatuhnya meteor itu.

Namun sejumlah warga Kota Chelyabinsk dan Chebarkul, sekitar 1.500 kilometer sebelah timur Ibu Kota Moskow, juga melihat sejumlah orang mulai berdatangan ingin mengumpulkan pecahan terbesar meteor itu di lokasi tempat jatuhnya di sekitar danau es.

Russian officials called for nations to join forces to create an early warning system to prepare for asteroid threats 
Russian officials called for nations to join forces to create an early warning system to prepare for asteroid threats
Terrifying: A meteorite shower hit Russia injuring at least 100 people, including school children
Terrifying: A meteorite shower hit Russia injuring at least 100 people, including school children
The Kremlin has called for a a joint effort to detect asteroids after the Urals region was struck by falling fragments
The Kremlin has called for a a joint effort to detect asteroids after the Urals region was struck by falling fragments
Shockwave: People heading to work in Chelyabinsk heard what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt a shockwave
Shockwave: People heading to work in Chelyabinsk, Russia, heard what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt a shockwave when a meteor soared across the sky above them
Local residents said they witnessed burning objects in the sky of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions
Local residents said they witnessed burning objects in the sky of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions
If the meteorite had hit at a different time of day, it could have struck the UK with devastating consequences

sumber : iniunic.blogspot.com

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